

June 2015

Not many people can say they feel blessed to have met a terrorist, but I can. 

As a young radical Muslim, Zafir’s* mind and heart were consumed with nationalism, hate and murder. Just like his father and uncle before him, Zafir became a terrorist whose sole drive was to overthrow the government that kept his people from reclaiming their national homeland and restoring their sacred identity. This led him to a training camp where he could perfect the techniques of terror. 

In addition to training their bodies, the camp had a small library of books to train their minds. It included an ancient book that reinforced their people’s legacy and proved they were once a great civilization. These people were descendants of the Medes and the book was the Bible. 

Zafir began to read it. As he did, something began stirring inside of him. Not patriotism, but something more akin to soul hunger. It spoke to a nagging absence, a deep desire for something beautiful that he couldn’t identify. All he knew for sure was this book had power. 

He was moved to a camp in another country to begin suicide-bomber training — and the book was there too.  Every chance Zafir got, he would find the library and read. He kept reading until his camp disbanded after his commander was killed. Zafir returned to his home country and searched until he found one of the very few existing churches. Believers there welcomed him and led him to Christ. 

All he knew for sure was this book had power.

I met Zafir several years after his journey to truth began. Today, he is a faithful church planter who is helping people escape the hatred and vengeance he remembers all too well. This former terrorist is living proof of the transforming power of the gospel. Even when he was beaten for his faith, he did not retaliate. In a revenge culture, Zafir is living out Jesus’ teaching of “love your enemy” with great power and it’s opening doors for the gospel. 

The beauty of Christ’s church offering love and forgiveness in this tumultuous region is the most vivid display of God’s glory I have ever seen. Nationals and missionaries alike are living out the power of the gospel. I have witnessed faith in face of fear. I have seen normal North American Christians become extraordinary servants of Christ. I have seen people from all walks of life and backgrounds plunge into the chaotic Muslim world on a rescue mission. It is humbling, challenging and beautiful to behold. And it beckons us to do more.

* Name changed for security reasons.

View from the Field


Seeing the beautiful children of Togo