

June 2015

More than 40 percent of Togo's population is under the age of 14. Beautiful, smiling faces of kids of all ages greet you around every corner and you can't help but smile back. The staggering and heartbreaking truth is that many of these kids will never grow up because health conditions are so horrendous here. And sadly, many of these children and their families are without eternal hope. So, we build relationships. Through radio and healthcare outreach ministries, ABWE is sharing the hope of Christ in West Africa."

Andy & Amanda Justison, along with their three children, are pre-field missionaries called to Mango, Togo. Andy will be using his degree in broadcasting to help establish Hope Radio, and Amanda will use her skills as a registered nurse at the Hospital of Hope which is scheduled to open in January 2015. 

Learn more about the Justison's ministry in West Africa at