

September 2018


Lucy Whitehead McGill is born in Belmont, Kansas.


Marries Norman Waterbuy.


Norman Waterbury dies in India of dysentery and Lucy returns to the United States.


Lucy meets Helen Montgomery, the first woman to translate a modern-speech translation of the New Testament and the first woman to head a major religious denomination in the US.


Marries Henry W. Peabody, the owner of a world-renowned import-export business.


Henry W. Peabody dies.


Organized by Lucy and Helen, The Golden Jubilee raised greater awareness of the women's missions movement, unified women nationally, and raised $1,030,000 (over $27 million in today's dollars) for missions. It has been called one of the most influential but forgotten movements in the history of Baptist missions.


Lucy, Helen, and their daughters, spend 5 months touring 9 countries to examine the needs of women around the world. The trip confirms a desire in them to invest in providing women in the Far East access to a Biblical education.


Lucy serves as an influential leader
in unifying the "World Day of Prayer"
on February 20, 1919. The following year, thousands of women participate and their donations fund Christian colleges for women in Asia, as well as biblical literature for women and children around the world.


Lucy organizes two fundrasing campaigns for women's education in Asia.


Lucy and a few friends begin ABEO from the porch of Margaret Doane's home, and pledge to support Raphael Thomas, a medical missionary to the Philippines.


Lucy publishes Message magazine and serves as president of ABEO until 1934. The magazine continues to be printed today.


was raised to start seven Bible Colleges for women in Asia.
(about $98 million today)


Through Lucy’s fundraising:
“the foundations of education for women in China were laid. Three Bible colleges in India, and the one in Japan, grew to become great institutions of learning." 


was raised by Lucy to fund missions and women's education. All while uniting women across the world to accomplish things previously thought unachievable by women

Loving Your Enemy

A missionary in Papua New Guinea lives out the hard mandate of loving your enemy after a father lets his baby die