

December 2018

Nyakpo Kossigan Dzidzinyo was born into a royal African family and raised by his grandmother. After her passing, and a series of difficult trials, Nyakpo came to know the Lord. He is now a teacher for the Bible Baptist Schools of Togo, and highly involved in youth ministry. Stacey Sue had the privilege of telling his story when she took part in Storytellers Abroad—a multimedia missions workshop uniquely designed for those with hands gifted in media and a heart geared toward missions. Stacey went on the July 2016 Storytellers trip to Togo as a young communications major, seeking to learn how to combine her media skills with her heart for missions. Her introduction to Nyakpo opened that door.

“I knew going into this workshop that I would learn more during my time [there] than I will have in my three years at school. And that is exactly what happened,” Stacey said.

Learn how you can use your creative talents to share God’s heart for the world. Join us for this two-week multimedia workshop, taking you to the mission field for hands-on training with top media professionals.