

November 2018

Every journey begins with a first step...

Having already decided to pursue full-time missions overseas, Gavin* and Brooke* were looking for the right agency to partner with when they discovered ABWE’s “24-Hour DEMO” event. 

This event was created to give those who are seriously interested in missions the chance to discover a missions agency, engage with others in their shoes, meet veteran missionaries and global leaders, and open up to new possibilities for how they can serve.

Over the course of two days, DEMO attendees get to know the people, passions, and ministries of ABWE.

To date it is one of ABWE's most successful mobilization initiatives—with more than 30 percent of DEMO attendees going on to apply to serve as missionaries long-term or short-term with ABWE. Countless more carry what they’ve learned to their churches to help mobilize others toward God’s missions.

30% of DEMO attendees apply to serve as missionaries with ABWE.

“Even though there was no commitment or obligation to the organization after attending the DEMO, I chose to apply for long-term ministry with ABWE because of the staff’s hospitality and infectious desire to share Christ’s love with all people,” said DEMO attendee, and current missionary Raise Clark.

“One of the biggest values of attending 24-Hour DEMO was the opportunity to meet and build relationships with the office staff and see their heart for missions,” Gavin echoed. “We heard their love of seeing churches planted, and the gospel being preached at every level—from the president, all the way down to the general office staff.”

Their preaching pastor, who attended 24-Hour DEMO with them, was also encouraged by the additional opportunities and resources ABWE made available for their church.

“God used 24-Hour DEMO to solidify in our hearts and minds that [this] was the organization we and our church should partner with,” Gavin and Brooke said. “Beginning ministry in a foreign country with an unknown language can be a daunting task. [And] the support that comes through joining a missions board has been extremely helpful for us to see that this task as more achievable.

"Often, it can be intimidating not knowing what you don’t know. ABWE’s knowledge and experience has provided us with wisdom and assistance—beginning at our pre-field ministry, and continuing in the network of families who will become our partners and teammates when we get to our country of service.” 

Mobilizing a new missionary can be a time-consuming, expensive process involving building deeper relationships, prayer, networking, and training. But once our candidates are through the door, there is a team of mobilizers ready to serve with them and guide them along the journey.

You can help us mobilize a missionary, with a gift to Mobilization through the Global Gospel Fund.


New Missionaries: Europe

Meet 2018’s new gospel workers called to Europe.