

June 2015

When we think of the mission field, we may think of faraway countries, foreign languages and different cultures. But for some, the mission field can be as close as their own home. This was true for Maysa*, a national partner of ABWE workers in the Middle East.

While her father was in the hospital, Maysa went to visit with her Muslim mother. As they talked, Maysa suddenly felt compelled to talk to her mother about her faith. Not knowing where to begin, she decided to open the conversation by saying, "Mom, you know someday dad might be unfaithful to you." 

Her mother was shocked and asked her, "Why would you say that? Do you know something I don't? Is he having an affair?" 

"No, I am not trying to tell you anything about Dad,” Maysa said. “It is just a reality that sometimes we take things for granted without questioning whether they are true. It's kind of like that with Islam. How would you feel if you got to the end of your life, and you discovered that you were wrong about Islam?" 

Her mother recoiled and told Maysa to stop talking. But she pressed on. 

And then she did something that Maysa had only dreamed was possible. Her mother told Jesus she believed in Him.

"Mom, you can listen or not, but I need to say what is on my heart right now.”

Then, Maysa shared a brief chronological explanation of the Bible. When she finished, she told her mother that she wanted to pray with her. 

Surprisingly, her mother agreed. After a few minutes of praying, Maysa heard her mother begin speaking. She was praying directly to Jesus. And then she did something that Maysa had only dreamed was possible. Her mother told Jesus she believed in Him.

Later, Maysa’s mother said she felt like a warm light enveloped her, and then she felt Jesus tell her, "I will never be unfaithful to you." This experience, combined with the testimony of her daughter, was enough to convince her of the truth. 

The very next night, Maysa’s mother went to a fellowship meeting to learn more about her Savior.


Finding a New Dream