

June 2015

Javier came to the United States with his sights set on achieving the American dream. He wanted to find a good job that would provide for his wife and children in Mexico. But God had something bigger in mind.

Not long after arriving in America, Javier met Pastor Miguel who invited him to begin studying The Story of Hope, ABWE’s 40-event chronological Bible study. Javier soaked up everything Pastor Miguel taught him, and eventually professed his faith in Jesus Christ. 

With tears in his eyes, he would often ask Pastor Miguel, What should I do about my family?

As Pastor Miguel continued to teach and disciple him, Javier became more and more burdened for the salvation of his wife and children back in Mexico. 

With tears in his eyes, he would often ask Pastor Miguel, "What should I do about my family?" 

After much prayer, Javier realized he must leave his good-paying job and return to Mexico to share the gospel with his family and friends. This decision meant that he would probably not be able to return to the United States and that he may not be able to provide for his family in the way he had always dreamed. But he knew that what he could provide would be worth so much more than money.

Recently, Javier returned to Mexico. His wife and children have all accepted the Lord, and Javier has started a church in his home where he is sharing the story of hope with his neighbors. 

Connection Points

Doing the Heavy Lifting