

June 2015

What does the gospel have to say about refugees fleeing the crossfires of civil war? How does it speak to those left destitute by the worst typhoon recorded in history? 

After humbly watching ABWE supporters give more than $400,000 to minister to Syrian refugees in the Middle East and to families and churches affected by the devastating typhoon that rocked the Philippines, I’ve been challenged to deeply consider these questions. 

As a mission agency focused on church-planting, evangelism and discipleship, we’ve seen firsthand how compassion — in the form of practical and physical aid — creates opportunities for us to minister to brokenhearted and weary people who may not otherwise welcome us, or our message.

In the Middle East this reality is unfolding in real time. Syrian refugees tell our workers they were taught to fear Christians, but because we are showing them Christ’s love in tangible ways, they are welcoming our workers into their homes, developing relationships and seeing the teachings of Jesus in action. 

Through these acts of compassion, we are able to tell people, Jesus is worth it, and because you are made in His image, so are you.

“Through these acts of compassion, we are able to tell people, Jesus is worth it, and because you are made in His image, so are you.”

Through these acts of compassion, we are able to tell people, “Jesus is worth it, and because you are made in His image, so are you. It may seem like most of the world has forgotten you, but Jesus hasn’t. You’re worthy, because of Him.”

That’s the true message and power of compassion relief — that when it is rooted in the gospel, it helps the gospel take root.

Beyond our work in the Middle East, we are seeing the enduring effects of lives changed by compassion relief ministry in places like Haiti, long after the earthquake; Thailand, long after the tsunami; and more recently, in the Philippines.

This issue of Message is dedicated to telling the stories of ABWE’s relief ministries and the life-changing impact we’ve seen when we provide people with practical compassion that is deeply rooted in the powerful message of Jesus.

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