

November-2 2017
Judy Bowen

“I had the delightful privilege of photographing students from our Togolese nursing program as they each received a French Thompson Chain Reference Bible in preparation for their next class. I absolutely loved watching their responses and expressions as this special gift was presented to them! One student named Godwin positively glowed with joy as he hugged and kissed his new Bible. 

Truly, the living Word of God is our greatest treasure, and I love it when the students recognize that. Please pray that these 17 students will apply what they learn from their new copy of the Bible.”

About the Missionary | Judy Bowen, Togo Missionary

Judy oversees the communications resource center and print shop at the ABWE hospital complex in Togo, West Africa, which provides affordable Christian literature in French and local languages. Her other ministries include missions photography and assisting with Community Health Evangelism.