

May 2015

I’m always amazed at how much our God can accomplish when we place our trust in Him. When ABWE began 88 years ago, it had just five missionaries headed to one country — the Philippines — to do medical evangelism. Today, God has blessed us with more than 900 missionaries serving in over 60 countries and ministering through hundreds of different and diverse ministries. We serve a mighty God and that was amazingly evident at the recent grand opening of ABWE’s Hospital of Hope in Mango, Togo. 

Eleven years ago, our Togo team felt called to bring a high-quality, gospel-centered hospital to the northern part of the country, but all they had was a plot of dusty land and faith. 

That was all they needed. 

God motivated 1,400 people to give $6 million during one of the United States' deepest recessions. He also brought more than 550 North Americans halfway around the world to labor alongside the Togolese, and together, they transformed a barren field into a modern medical facility. 

I am so thankful for all the people who played a part in bringing this ministry to life and for a mighty God who provides. As you read this issue and rejoice in what God is doing in Togo and around the world, I pray that you will invite Him into the barren fields in your life so that they can also bear fruit.


The Dog Who Opened Doors