

June 2018

At Christmas, we told you about five needs around the world, and you responded! 

Because of you, Memorial Christian Hospital has been expanded and upgraded, and will soon serve up to 300 outpatients per day. Through the hospital, thousands of Rohingya refugees will have access to life-saving care, and a chance to hear the gospel for the first time.

 Your gifts also supported the planting of more than 200 churches around the world, made Bible Study tools accessible to East Asian pastors, equipped North American leaders to transform lives, supported a Chilean pregnancy crisis center, and helped transform a Zulu community

7 Rivers Outreach

In partnership with a local South African church, four missionary families are transforming a community through a Zulu church-plant and a 100-acre farm which provides microenterprise opportunities, training, and leadership development for Zulu pastors. 

The Result: $6,019 went towards purchasing the farm. When the purchase of land is complete, they will begin building eight homes for vulnerable children, many of whom have been orphaned by HIV.

EveryEthnē Church Planter Residencies

To reach more people in North America, the EVERYETHNĒ initiative focuses on creating more effective churches. To start more effective churches, we need leaders who are uniquely equipped to share Christ with people in their communities and cultures. EVERYETHNĒ was created to cross cultures without crossing borders by providing residencies, resources, and support for church planters.

The Result: $8,531 was raised to support and equip ministry leaders in North America. 

Bangladesh Hospital Renewal

Memorial Christian Hospital (MCH) in Bangladesh is a major surgical resource and vibrant Christian platform for the 10-million people who live in the surrounding area. MCH offers quality, compassionate medical care, creating spiritual openness among those who may otherwise be hostile to the good news. We have seen the work at MCH result in congregations, Bible colleges, pastoral training, Bible translation work, literature and other opportunities to impact the community.

The Result: You provided more than $7 million for this renewal project! Then earlier this year, Dr. Franklin Graham and Samaritan’s Purse provided the final project funding, and gave additional funds to purchase a CT scanner, and cover other construction costs.

East Asia Bible Study Toolbox

The East Asian church has experienced explosive growth, with more than 1-million new believers annually. But pastors lack access to quality theological resources and preaching materials. The free Bible Study Toolbox was built to provide national pastors and ministry leaders in East Asia with crucial resources, like Bible translations, Hebrew and Greek concordances, sample sermon outlines for every Bible passage and commentaries, all translated into their own language and available online.

The Result: Over 80% of Asian Internet users access the Internet via their smartphone. $14,460 went towards creating a mobile Bible commentary app, expanding the number of resources readily available to pastors.

FLORECE Building Purchase

FLORECE is the only known pregnancy center of its kind in Chile. With a vision to meet the physical and spiritual needs of women and families in crisis, the FLORECE Prenatal Center provides free pregnancy tests, personalized maternity classes, Biblically-based peer counseling, and a “baby boutique” of infant clothing and items. FLORECE also promotes abstinence and the value of human life in area schools.

The Result: $20,927 was raised to purchase an upgraded facility that will allow them to implement recently purchased ultrasound equipment, by meeting Chilean government medical building standards.

Connection Points

A Burger With Pasha

In an area with very few believers, a young traveler encounters Christ's love in the kindness of several strangers.