

November 2015

At ABWE, we talk a lot about starting “missions movements.” It’s a big idea but it’s actually quite simple; we want to empower believers around the world to pick up the torch of missions and join us in crossing cultures to share the good news of Jesus Christ with others. We do this by planting missions-minded churches, training leaders, and inspiring them to go out and do the same.

It is hard work, but because we serve a mighty God, we have recently seen our vision take hold and bear fruit in Brazil.

ABWE missionaries have been ministering in Brazil for more than 60 years, but the idea of sending out Brazilian missionaries always seemed out of reach for local believers. Jenuan, a pastor of a tiny church in one of the poorest regions of Brazil, often prayed for other countries’ missionaries, but starting a Brazilian missions movement seemed impossible. Then, God used an ABWE missions conference to show Jenuan that it was not only possible, but ABWE would help.

It took a few years, and the constant prodding of the Holy Spirit, but in 2007, Jenuan and his church stepped out in faith and sent out their first missionary. Now, Maranatha Multicultural Ministries is a Brazilian-funded and Brazilian-run missions organization with 32 missionaries in 12 countries on four continents.

I am amazed by our Brazilian brothers and how God blesses those who step out in faith. As you read this Christmas issue and discover how God is using missionaries around the world to share the gift of His Son, I pray you will also be inspired to step out in faith and share His gift with someone else.

May God bless you and your family this Christmas season.


The Gift of a Second Chance

Widow finds hope at Heart House - a sewing ministry that ministers to marginalized women in South Asia