

April 2018

Tears began to stream down Edem’s* face as he read about the life of Joseph. Despite all that he had suffered at the hands of his brothers, through God’s strength, Joseph forgave them. As Edem read the story, he felt convicted of his own hardened heart against the uncle who had abused him as a child, and was now dying in town. Up until this point, anger had prevented him from going to see his uncle, or forgiving him for the pain he had caused Edem.

When Edem returned from his visit into town, he said he had been able to explain to his uncle that God’s Word teaches forgiveness, and that he wanted to follow in that obedience. He said his uncle broke down in tears at the words. To further demonstrate the extent of his forgiveness, Edem brought the ailing uncle to the hospital, covering the entire medical bill.

Continue to pray for God to move in this way in the lives of the people of Mango.

*Name changed for privacy

By the Numbers

3 Things Evangelism Isn’t

In missions, if we get the gospel wrong, it doesn’t matter what else we get right.