

January 2018
  • 1978

    Married June, 3

  • 1980

    Joined ABWE Canidate Class

  • 1981

    Arrived in Recife, Brazil

  • 1982

    Began first church plant, Candelaria  Baptist Church, Recife, Brazil

  • 1994

    Started second church plant, Koinonia Baptist Church, Recife, Brazil, with a team

  • 2002

    Began pastor's mentoring group for local church pastors

  • 2014

    Started church plant outreach in the city of Arcoverde with David and Sarah Carrel

  • 2015

    Wrote and directed 19th Easter play

Q: How did God first call you to missions?

Roger:Marcy and I grew up on the mission field in Northeast Brazil as children of missionaries. At 12 years old I attended a youth camp in Colorado while my family was on furlough, and I sensed a burden to return to Brazil to be a missionary to my friends. My greatest struggle was believing that I could measure up to the missionary heroes around me. At a missions conference in 1977 God used a message on faith and how He enables those He calls, to confirm my calling.

Marcy: When I started college I was determined that the last thing in the world I wanted was to be a missionary. I wanted something different than what I had grown up with. In my heart I was resisting what others were telling me I should do. After I attended the GARBC conference in Seattle, I heard a Filipino pastor give his testimony and thank missionaries for sharing Christ in his country. God used that to burden me to return to Brazil and do the same.  

Q: How did God call you to Brazil?

A: During the time we had spent in the country as children, we felt like the middle and upper class had been neglected by most missionary outreach. The vast majority of church planting in our region of Brazil had been done in very poor communities. These communities were then unable to support their own pastor once the missionary moved on. Because of this, we wanted to reach communities that could be self-sustaining. This desire, coupled with our knowledge of the culture and language, weighed on our hearts as we sought where God would have us work.

Q: What is your favorite memory from your time as a missionary?

A: There have been many joys—but it has been a special one to be able to lead people to the Lord and then disciple them. Because we served for many years in the same location, we had the added privilege of seeing these people grow to maturity, and then begin to lead and disciple others.

Q: What is the biggest thing you’ve learned through your time on the field? 

A: Through prayer, we have learned to trust that God will lead and He will also provide for every need. Sometimes in the midst of problems it’s easy to forget that, but we have experienced God’s loving hand of care and guidance time after time. One of the most recent evidences of this has been in the start of our last church-plant outreach. We knew that God was leading us to the city of Arcoverde so we began to search for a piece of land. We did not have a penny for this, but we continued to search. God led us to a wonderful location and soon after that we were given a gift that completely covered the cost of the land. So we began to dream and plan for a building, once again without funds. And God has brought in funds. We’ve seen over and over that when God calls, He always provides!

Q: What advice would you give to those considering missions? 

A: Trust that the Lord will provide for your every need and give you the wisdom you need to face the unknowns. The “unknowns” will be the norm in missions, but the beauty is that God is all-knowing, and in His mercy and grace He will use us to spread His word if we are willing.▪

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South America

Meet the 2017 Missionary candidates to South America