

June 2015

Larry and Jane met in college, and from the start of their relationship, they talked about God’s plan for them. 

While Larry completed two master’s degrees at seminary, he wrote a thesis where he discovered that Spain was no longer banning missionaries. This research ignited Larry and Jane’s interest in the city of Toledo, which is the seat of the Roman Catholic Church in Spain.

In 1977, they moved to Spain to focus on a new church plant. Spain was known as “the graveyard for mission work” because of the difficulties of the work and lack of longevity among missionaries, but the Parks have made it their home for the last 35 years. During that time, Jane has worked countless hours with children, youth, and women’s Bible studies, and Larry has planted and pastored the church in Toledo and developed mission points within the province.

Q: What is one of your favorite memories from your time in missions?
A: Early in our ministry, there were those who preached or knew the language better, but one day, a Spanish brother came to us saying, “Be encouraged, we see your faith and love. God is your power. That is all that matters.” It reminded us that God uses His resources for the good of His work around the world, and we must always remember to whom the work belongs.

Q: What moment had the biggest impact on your ministry?
Jane: When God called us to Toledo, Spain, we didn’t know if we would see a church planted in our lifetime. This task reminded me of a story I once heard about a man who was asked by God to push a giant rock. The man pushed on the rock day after day, but it never budged. The man began to wonder why God gave him an impossible task.

One day, God stopped to check on the man and the man began to cry. When the Lord asked why, the man replied, “Lord, I have failed. I have not moved the rock.”  With a gentle smile, the Lord responded, “I never asked you to move the rock. I only asked you to push, which you have faithfully done. Consider how you have grown and been strengthened. Think of those who saw your faithfulness and were encouraged to take on hard tasks in my name. Thank you, my servant. Now, I will move the rock.” 

Q: What advice would you give to new missionaries or those considering missions?
A: While leadership styles differ among missionaries, make no mistake, God has uniquely prepared us all. 


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