

June 2015

As the son of missionary parents and the nephew of two missionary uncles, missions was in Jon’s blood. Jon met Kathy while she was in college, and they connected over their passion to serve abroad. They were married in 1976, and two years later, they were appointed to an aviation ministry in Paraguay. However, during their first term on the field, their focus began to shift. They discovered their deep desire to develop a camp ministry, and God led them to purchase 80 acres of land in the interior town of Tobati. 

In their second term, they switched from aviation to focus on building Camp Cabaju. Over the years, they built eight dormitories, a dining hall, an auditorium and two apartments for guest speakers. In addition to their camp ministry, they began the Bethel Baptist Church in their home in Tobati. The church grew as Kathy and Jon brought many people from outlying neighborhoods to attend services, and to ease the burden of travel and meet demand, the couple started new churches in two of those areas. Today Kathy and Jon’s ministry in the interior of Paraguay continues to thrive and grow.

Q: What is one of your favorite memories from your time in missions?
Kathy: It is so precious to see someone trust Christ and watch them grow spiritually. For instance, I am close friends with a woman who had an abusive husband and a very difficult life. After her decision to follow Christ, her family rejected her. Recently, her husband passed away. He rejected the Lord completely. At his funeral, she told me, “I know that he is lost and most of my family does not accept the gospel. It is hard for me, but I still choose Jesus.” 

Q: What advice would you give to new missionaries or those considering missions?
John: Go with longevity in mind! Missions shouldn't just be the preparation or stepping stone to some ‘greater’ position. Stay as long as the Lord allows, but start with a 'growing-old-on-the-field' mindset. Many times results come only after 20 years or more of sowing!


Larry and Nancy Allen

An interview with Larry and Nancy Allen who have faithfully served in missions for 35 years