

May 2015

John & Jean Peterson
Candidate Class: 1964
Country Served In: Brazil

Q: How did God call you to missions?

A: God used a missionary to India, who spoke in my church when I was 16, to open my heart to missions. I told the Lord I was willing to go anywhere, but as years passed, I found myself giving many excuses as to why I couldn’t go. The last excuse when I was 20 was that I could not go single — and I had no promise of a husband at the time. After a few months of arguing with God, I finally said, “OK, God! I will go anywhere, any way, as long as it is your will.” 

Two weeks later I met the man who was to be my husband for 54 years. His first question to me on our first date was, “God wants me to be a missionary. What has He called you to do?” I learned the hard way that God always knows what is best for us!

Q: How did you begin working with the deaf?  

A:While on furlough in the US we took a course in American Sign Language. When we returned to Brazil, we were determined to start a ministry with the deaf, but didn’t know how to begin. Then, while visiting a missionary colleague, I spotted a deaf couple talking in signs as they walked, and we approached them about teaching us. They agreed, and in January of 1979, we organized the first camp for the deaf in Brazil. From that point on, our main ministry was reaching the deaf, preparing interpreters to work with them, and beginning deaf ministries in local churches.

Q: What moment had the biggest impact on your ministry?

A: Once, a young man, who accepted the Lord at one of our camps, came up to John and asked him, “How long have you known about Jesus?” John explained that he had been born into a Christian family. Then the young man asked another question, “Why did no one come to Brazil sooner to tell us about Jesus? My father and my grandfather died without ever knowing!” We had no good answer, but from that time on, we continually thanked the Lord for calling us to this ministry. It also encouraged us to spread our ministry to the other countries of South and Central America. 

Q: What is your favorite memory from your time as a missionary?

A: During our first camp for the deaf we quickly realized that even though many participants had been raised in the Catholic church, they had no Biblical understanding. One young man asked who the man on the cross was and why they had killed him. I will never forget the look of surprise on their faces when John told them that they could pray because God knows sign language. By the end of the week, 23 of the 32 campers came forward to accept Christ. Many are still faithful to the Lord today, and one man became the pastor of the first deaf church established in Brazil.

Q: What advice would you give to new missionaries or those considering missions? 

A:Be sure to follow the Lord´s lead and not turn away when the going gets tough. Unless God definitely closes the door, do not give up. John went to be with the Lord on January 9, 2014, but my call to missions did not end!


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