

September 2015

Many people use coffee to help kick start their days, but in Brazil, ABWE missionary Cindy Richner is using tea to help kick start relationships.

Cindy and the ladies group from her church recently hosted their fifth annual ladies evangelistic tea in the city of Ivoti in southern Brazil. The event launched with 50 women in 2011 in the Richner’s rented church facility, but every year attendance has grown, and this year, more than 150 women attended. The tea offers a great opportunity for women in the community to carve time out of their busy lives to enjoy food, games, music, a short evangelistic message, and fellowship. It also gives the church an opportunity to strengthen its relationships with local women and open doors for sharing the gospel.

“We pray that as we continue to offer this tea annually, more and more of these ladies will desire to know God in a personal way.”

“It has been such a blessing to see so many ladies participate and learn more about God year after year,” Cindy said. “And I truly believe our ladies’ love and kindness to those who participate reflect Christ's love and grace.”

The tea has allowed women from the church to reach out to friends and neighbors like Loira. 

Loira’s brother helped start the church five years ago, and through the annual tea, she heard the gospel and got to know the church’s caring members. Now Loira, along with her husband and 7-year-old son, faithfully attend Sunday services and church activities.

“We pray that as we continue to offer this tea annually, more and more of these ladies will desire to know God in a personal way,” Cindy said. “We also pray our relationships will be strengthened, and our church will be known in the community as a place of hope, love, and joy.”


Energizing the Gospel