

November 2017
  • 1975

    Married May 31st

  • 1975

    Attended Candidate Class

  • 1980

    Arrived in Sao Paulo

  • 1982-1985

    Worked at a church plant in Itaquera

  • 1988

    Established Faith Baptist Church

  • 1998

    Started Victory Baptist Church

  • 2012

    Moved to Mogi Mirim to strengthen Regular Baptist Church

Q: How did God call you to missions?

A: When we were younger, we both met missionaries who presented at our churches and were invited to our homes. We also participated in missionary apprenticeship programs and camp ministry during our college years. Bob enjoyed the opportunity of leading several campers to faith in Christ, and Lois was deeply impacted by a chapel speaker in college who said, “Most people who are involved in full-time Christian service live in the United States. There is also a great need in other parts of the world to hear the gospel. Consider missions first. Make steps in that direction. If it is not God’s will for your life, He will close the door.”

Q: What is one of your favorite ministry memories? 

A: After praying for the unsaved relatives of a faithful and dear friend named Edimar, we felt led to plan a missions trip to Northeast Brazil to reach them with the gospel. After a three-day journey, we finally reached Edimar’s family who were resistant to us. They believed we had brainwashed Edimar or that he had gone crazy, but we still did what God had led us there to do. We held a vacation Bible school for the children, showed gospel films, and faithfully preached every evening. 

Slowly, their hearts softened and several placed their faith in Christ. It was refreshing to see how the gospel changed their perspective. At the beginning, they were reserved, but when it was time for us to leave, they wanted to know when we could come back to teach more of the Bible. We made two more trips to that area to teach them the Word.

Q: What is the best part of being a missionary?

A: It is always a great joy when someone puts their faith in Jesus as Lord and Savior, but we have also been blessed to counsel a group of believers who wanted to start a church. We had the amazing opportunity to watch the church grow and call a Brazilian pastor, and then we rejoiced as the church blossomed (without us) and planted its own church. These things bless a church planter's heart, because they continue to impact people and communities for generations.

Q: What advice would you give to new missionaries or those considering missions?

A: Make sure of your calling, so when trials or crisis arise, you won’t be tempted to call it quits or to struggle with the issue of "Are we called?" Continue to serve, being confident of His leading, and seek God’s direction for solutions to problems. And most importantly, don’t forget to love the Lord your God.


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