

August 2018

As Catherine stepped out of the bookstore in the town center one afternoon, she heard a familiar voice calling her name from down the street. She smiled as she turned around.


Catherine, an ABWE missionary to Ireland, and Dominick had been classmates last year in a drama course at Kinsale College, and had met up several times even after the course concluded last spring.

He was just getting off work that particular afternoon when their paths crossed and he asked if Catherine had time to go for a coffee. They went to the closest café, both ordered a cappuccino and sat down for a chat.

Dominick had paperwork in his hand concerning a traffic violation he received from talking on his cell phone while driving. He was not happy and expressed his frustration, which then prompted Catherine to begin to ask him questions. 

“Does right and wrong exist?” “If [they do], who decides what is right and what is wrong?”

As Dominick shared his thoughts, Catherine's questioning prompted Dominick to dig deeper into his head to find a response.

She was trying to help him sort through his own knowledge and understanding of what he believed. Even he could admit that some of the natural conclusions he was drawing from his thoughts were a bit ridiculous. But the discussion continued, covering many topics from the origin of human life to what happens after we die.

Never once did Catherine tell Dominick what she believed—and he never asked. He was not ready to hear the gospel presentation, she said. He needed to sort through his own beliefs first. They sat for more two hours, continuing through the same cycle.

As they left the café and parted ways once again, Dominick told Catherine that the conversation had been like therapy. “A [profound] conversation,” he exclaimed, to which Catherine laughed.

“It was a great opportunity,” she wrote later, “and I thanked God for this unscheduled coffee break in my day. I am grateful for your prayers as I deepen my friendships with the people in the community.”