

August 2016

On an ordinary Wednesday, ABWE missionaries Jim and Carla Junge learned that one small act of kindness can have eternal effects.

Jim was in the house preparing for a meeting, and Carla was pulling clothes off of the line when a handsome, well-dressed, young stranger showed up. He asked to talk with the pastor, so Jim came out on the front porch to meet Elvis.

Elvis quickly opened up and shared how he was concerned about his future. He had failed his exit exam from high school, and the implications of this failure had led him to drinking and eating himself into a stupor just to be able to sleep at night. Elvis said he had tried several churches and many different things, but he tearfully admitted that nothing seemed to work for him. He told Jim he had even entertained the idea of taking poison to end his life.

Jim listened and then he shared the hope and redemption that Elvis could find in Jesus Christ. After much discussion, Elvis accepted Jesus as his Savior, and that night, he slept soundly for the first time in a long time.

Jim continued to disciple Elvis, and it was during one of their discipleship times that Jim discovered how a small act had led Elvis to his door that Wednesday — Jim had once given Elvis a ride into town in his truck.

“We were humbled to think that such a simple act of human compassion — stopping to offer a ride — would be extending a lifeline to a hurting soul,” said Carla. “Please pray for Elvis. Pray for his spiritual growth.”

Training Up Leaders in India

An ABWE partnering seminary celebrates their first class of graduates at its satellite campus in Delhi, India