

November 2015
James Dockery
“Until I went to Romania with Storytellers Abroad, I didn’t realize just how much impact I could have by using media for missions. Communicating visually benefits multiple groups of people: the person in need who is given a platform to tell their story, the producer who is able to give a voice to that person, missionaries who use what is produced to more effectively tell others about their ministry, and viewers who are introduced to real people and how they can help provide for real needs.”
– Hannah Strayer, a 2015 workshop participant

About ABWE's Storytellers Abroad — A Missions Multimedia Workshops

Join us for a two-week multimedia workshop that takes you to the mission field for hands-on training with top professionals who teach you how you can use your creative talents to share God’s heart for the world.

Click to learn more about our 2016 trips to Nicaragua and Togo.